Teen Anxiety

Is Your Teen’s Anxiety Stressing You Both Out?

Click the button below to get access to my free video training series on therapist-proven methods that help parents manage teen anxiety.

This holiday season my husband and I are very “Thankful” we found you.  You saved our little girl.  She was on the verge of leaving school and afraid to leave the house. But now, we have our daughter back. She loves to smile and laugh, and once again we can  hear her laughing in her room talking to friends and being a “normal” teenage girl.

I don’t think you understand the impact you had on our family. You saved her!  THANK YOU. 

Kim and AJ

Anxiety is a daily struggle. Fear of failure, not fitting in, and not living up to expectations of others consumes you.  Are you harder on yourself than others?  What would if feel like to get rid of the racing thoughts, sweating palms, and the heart palpitations you’ve become so familiar with?


“I’m afraid every day. Will I get that A? How did Lindsey do on that test compared to me? I’m not smart enough.”  “These are just a few thoughts that rush through my head. All I want is to stop feeling this way. I’m afraid to go out. Regardless how hard I try, I’m never enough.”

In a culture that values achievement, it’s no wonder today’s teens are feeling the pressure to excel in school, extracurricular activities, socially, etc. Social Media has exacerbated the desire to compare oneself to others, leading you to feel alone, isolated, and not enough.


“I just can’t seem to find the right group of friends. Every time I think I’ve found people that might care about me, then something happens, and I get excluded. I’m always feeling like I don’t fit in.”

We all want to belong and have connection. Yet high school is a difficult time of trying to find your identity and learning who you can trust and not trust. You’re not alone.


“It’s so unfair. My friends have beautiful skin and these “perfect” bodies. They’re magnets for all the boys. Then there’s me… I’m shy, awkward at times, and my confidence is shot due to my acne.”

Despite the story you tell yourself, all teenagers regardless of how they appear, have moments where their self esteem is challenged. Learning to accept your strengths and find self compassion is an important skill for resilience in this world. Being vulnerable to express yourself is very brave.

Overcome Your Anxiety

Learning to love yourself and eliminate those negative voices that tell you that you’re not good enough requires support, safety, and a teen therapist who can help you identify where these beliefs came from. EMDR is a powerful tool that helps teens get in touch with their emotions and start to decrease the anxiety. Learning to manage anxiety is important, but identifying the source and reprocessing those emotions, is the key to an anxiety free life.


Break Free From Teen Anxiety. Complete the form below and lets get you started with teen therapy that works.

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